Thursday, March 4, 2010


tuesday we saw siena. it is a pretty cool town, but we didn't see that much. we just went to the main piazza, the duomo, and the church museum. we weren't allowed to take pictures inside of the museum, but there were relics from the chigi family in there, along with a lot of papal clothing from the chigi pope. it was interesting, but i felt like we didn't really experience siena. i wouldn't mind visiting it again.
piazza in siena
they hold horse races here around the square
cydney and heather
chigi family is from siena
their palace is now a music school
chigi pope
wishing well in the chigi courtyard
i really really liked the duomo in siena. it wasn't like any other church we have seen. the black and white stripes made it so interesting. i loved it.
siena duomo
there are black and white stripes everywhere because those are siena's colors

floor inside of the duomo

beautiful altar for mary. it's kind of hard to see

i love the altar

alice in wonderland
they sell duff beer like from the simpsons!
are they serious?
this really cool restaurant we ate at. our friends were eating in what looked like a cave

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